YES...its been 7 MONTHS since my last post and I have NO Excuse as to why that's so...SORRY!! :)
--umm its kind of hard to think about what has happened since March but I think I'm going to TRY to remember most things:: Here it goes--
*April-May: I finished up my LAST semester at Clemson University. Move out day was kind of heartbreaking....I felt like I was leaving the wonderful people I had met...BUT I just figured if our friendship was valuable, we'd keep in touch no matter WHERE I am. SADLY, I loss one of the GREATEST friends I ever had--MARK WHITE! [[May, 19th-I love you babyboy]]---& I can't forget about holding the 'FORT' down with Pavi, Sen, & Yana--the lunch dates & random talks...EVEN while gum was being stuck to the walls..[Lol]
*June: MY 20th BIRTHDAY!! Whoop-Whoop...Very VERY exciting :) its weird I'm acting like I went to Rome or something...[Lol], I didn't :-/ I had a very nice dinner with about 10-15 of my close friends, then went to 'club' at Luckie Lounge....P.F Changs for My Dueces' birthday...Gemini Ladies :) OHH how could I forget--I got my first bikini wax...ONE WORD: INTERESTING [Lol]. It wasnt as painful as I thought It'd be but ALOT of stinging to say the least. I went on a mini vacation to Myrtle Beach for the Allstar Baseball game--ALOT of fun and memories.!! :) ohhh & I can't forget the infamous Broke & Boujee Fight...hahaha! SO childish -_-
*July: I didn't do much in July but hang at kickbacks, sleep, and Shop. WHOA! one day in July I won't forget--the morning Me,Carmz, Nat, Katie, Marcus, JB [& friends], Karla, & Jara [might've left some ppl out..sorry!]--That morning i got THEE most UNexpected text message...that caused Me to Renew a a "friend-lationship" that had once been 'left alone'...Nevertheless, White Water was a blasttt & so was the RANDOM night we snuck in EVERYones apartment pools..SMH, funny!! Good Times...
*August: ahhhhhh I started school on my Mommy's birthday, LAME! :-/ I was completelyyyy LOST at Georgia State & I STILL am. My first day was cool though, I like it. Taking 5 classes--Not to much pressure. Still finding a way to stay focused. Whew, So many August Birthdays: Mfon, Sonique, Jay, Chaz, Mario, Mommy, Terrell--ALOT!
*September: Brianna FINALLY turned 20!!! Whoop-Whoop! :) [Lol]--Sendys Birthdayy-Falencia's birthday-Grandmas Birthday-Jamila birthday...for me tho, this month was blahh, I didn't do much...Same people, Same kickbacks, Same outings...STILL in school :-/
*October: I DELETED my Twitter account, Sad? I know...WAKA came out with his First CD..WHoop-Whoop!! Thats Exciting...I don't know how it did, BUT either way....Going from 'nothing' to 'something' is an Understatement at this point... Its Cool to see that.... ANYWHOO: ITS GETTING COLDDD :( ugh, I don't Like Fall OR Winter...BUT, I'll deal with it.. NOW your up to speed [for the MOST part] :) ...
--xoxo tash!
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