ahhhhhhh i HATE when I see more potential in someone than they do in themselves! Why can't you see that your better than you THINK you are?...I'll never understand that..Maybe it's not meant for me to know though, right?..IDK..Anywhoo, I'm SUPER EXCITED for this weekend....My LOVE, MY TWIN, MY BESTESTFRIEND Terrell is here :) :) & Whit's coming..AND its Spelman/Morehouse Homecoming!!!*sigh* FUNN!!...Still thinking about my phone conversation--Why is it that NO matter HOW many days have elapsed...i STILL get a 'Happy' feeling inside...SMH, Guess its a girl thing!! I Hope you know I MEAN what I say, DON'T play! Do the good girls REALLY have a thing for the "gangstas"?? Why do the Good Guys always finish last??...That really sucks..Wonder what I'll be doing in the next year or 2??..Is it to EARLY to be planning my 21st?? o_O Hope NOT!--I wanna go to New Orleanssss! 5 years ago I would have NEVERRR foreshadowed it like this....It surprises me EVERYday. Long time coming, I guess?!...that damn movie theater--Just looked at the due date for 2 of those assignments I have YET to get done--One says Oct. 21st & the other Oct.22nd..WHYY?? & the one for the 22nd is a 4 page paper...I HAVE GOT TO DO BETTER!!! J.Coleman Designs might be featured in the gift bags for the Legends Brunch--COOL! *Taps self on back* Gotta call Sonique. I am NOT prepared for this 'Hollywood' stuff thats about to occur :( don't think Hollywood is either! WHYY?? I Love my Twin Mama Janet :) I should DEF be sleeping, seeing that I will be waking up THREE hours early to complete one of these assignments :-/ blahhh!!
--xoxo Tash!
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