--xoxo tash!
Tuesday, October 26, 2010
...awww S#IT..
OCTOBER 31st...
--xoxo Tash!
Monday, October 25, 2010
..umm basically.
"...I'm a train wreck in the morning.I'm a b!#ch in the afternoon...and
every NOW and THEN without warning,
i can be REALLY mean towards you.
I'm a puzzle Yes, indeed....
Ever COMPLEX in EVERY way,
and all the pieces aren't even in the box, and yet..."
every NOW and THEN without warning,
i can be REALLY mean towards you.
I'm a puzzle Yes, indeed....
Ever COMPLEX in EVERY way,
and all the pieces aren't even in the box, and yet..."

--xoxo Tash!
...My Weekend :)
...I had WAYY to much fun this weekend <3
I made the executive decision to go to the club Thursday night KNOWING I had to be up at 7am Friday morning--BUT even after being out til 5, I still made it to class Friday! Me, Terrell, & Erika went to AtlanticStation to eat [literally ate everything on the menu -_- smh]...then entered the nightlife at Dreamz/mansion [met up with Naim, Carm, AD, Nat, Kyle, & my little snookie] and MY GOD was that an experience 0_0!!!! HOT AS HELL!! I mean aren't most clubs in ATL hot? but NO! THIS was HOT! Then again I hadn't been to a club since GA States' 1st football game--I think I had just FORGOT what that felt like..Disgusting! lol
WHITNEY & BRI came to ATL Friday :) went to the MillerGrove's homecoming game [late as hell..smh] and to JR Crickets..I was also babysitting Baileigh...smh the most energetic 3 year old...EVER....EVER!!
Saturday Highland with Carmen & Baileigh...Benihana with Whit & Terrell..then the infamous Cloud IX...Tiara, Portia, Maya, Terrell, Whit, Erika, Ash, Fence & arriving there is ALL I remember ;) -_-
Sunday THEY LEFT ME :( :( :( I miss you!
--xoxo Tash!
I just want to SCREAM! I'm annoyed with ALOT of stuff right now...basically school. smh! or maybe I'm just annoyed at the fact that I have absolutely NO motivation to write this paper that I was supposed to turn in on FRIDAY!... S M D H!!! and I'm annoyed at the fact that I always have a conclusion/answer/advice for EVERYone elses' situations EXCEPT my own...Maybe its just ME, but isn't that THEE most annoying shit EVER!!!???? I mean seriously--I always think about what I say to people, and I realize "damn Tash you should DEF mental note that for yourself"--I'm annoyed about this BS skype call I just got...*pause* I mean hmmm, the world revolves around ME, not anyone else :-p ha!! OHH and NOT to mention I have a TEST AND an ANNOTATED bibliography due Tuesday, that I haven't started..AND I start going to the office for the internship on Tuesday 9-12 AND 4-6..WHEEWWW talk about ALOT TO DO THIS WEEK!! blahhhh---Nevertheless, IMMA GET IT DONE!! :) Just needed to prioritize it abit...A complainer NEVER succeeds soooo.... I'll roll with the punches! I tend to work better under pressure anyways...which is both a curse & an advantage....*whipes forehead*
--xoxo Tash!
Saturday, October 23, 2010
Thursday, October 21, 2010
"Ladies & Gentleman...if I could offer you ONE tip for the future..SUNSCREEN would be it.."
..I watch this EVERYday..Inspiration..
--xoxo Tash!
My thoughts @ 1:07am..

ahhhhhhh i HATE when I see more potential in someone than they do in themselves! Why can't you see that your better than you THINK you are?...I'll never understand that..Maybe it's not meant for me to know though, right?..IDK..Anywhoo, I'm SUPER EXCITED for this weekend....My LOVE, MY TWIN, MY BESTESTFRIEND Terrell is here :) :) & Whit's coming..AND its Spelman/Morehouse Homecoming!!!*sigh* FUNN!!...Still thinking about my phone conversation--Why is it that NO matter HOW many days have elapsed...i STILL get a 'Happy' feeling inside...SMH, Guess its a girl thing!! I Hope you know I MEAN what I say, DON'T play! Do the good girls REALLY have a thing for the "gangstas"?? Why do the Good Guys always finish last??...That really sucks..Wonder what I'll be doing in the next year or 2??..Is it to EARLY to be planning my 21st?? o_O Hope NOT!--I wanna go to New Orleanssss! 5 years ago I would have NEVERRR foreshadowed it like this....It surprises me EVERYday. Long time coming, I guess?!...that damn movie theater--Just looked at the due date for 2 of those assignments I have YET to get done--One says Oct. 21st & the other Oct.22nd..WHYY?? & the one for the 22nd is a 4 page paper...I HAVE GOT TO DO BETTER!!! J.Coleman Designs might be featured in the gift bags for the Legends Brunch--COOL! *Taps self on back* Gotta call Sonique. I am NOT prepared for this 'Hollywood' stuff thats about to occur :( don't think Hollywood is either! WHYY?? I Love my Twin Mama Janet :) I should DEF be sleeping, seeing that I will be waking up THREE hours early to complete one of these assignments :-/ blahhh!!
--xoxo Tash!
Wednesday, October 20, 2010
.....Daily Dose of Inspiration!
Seriously though, I LOVE MY FRIENDS!
Words can NOT describe how lucky I am to have such inspirational, motivational, educated, loyal and talented friends...ESPECIALLY the guys! If I didn't know ANYthing about guys I'd definitely know who to call...They ALWAYS want whats best for me and knowing that makes me feel even more confident about my worth. I LOVE MY GUY FRIENDS--they keep me on my toes and they ALWAYS encourage me to do better....
....My WONDERFUL friend/family Don[ovan] Williams is the shitttt!!... and when I mentioned TALENTED, he's one of them...His spoken word pieces are beautiful :) Love him...Miss him even moreee...
'Tears of Joy"
Just a little something for you to think about...
--xoxo Tash!
I COULDN'T have said it BETTER...
[Lol] ok I LOVE LOVEEE this song....WAY TO CUTE!
&& I kno how he feels..."Back then they didn't want me, Now I'm hot they ALL on ME.." ahahaha! :)
--xoxo Tash!
.....Yea, Just one of those moments!
Just wanted you to know....I still think about you!
Tuesday, October 19, 2010
Soundtrack to MY LIFE playlist...

1. For You- Kenny Lattimore
2. Emotional Rollercoaster- Vivian Greene
3. Who do You Love- LL Cool J
4. Promise- Ciara
5. Ordinary People- John Legend
6. Ex Factor- Lauryn Hill
7. Crying Out- Mario
8. The Truth- India Arie
9. Tell Him- Lauryn Hill
10. Human Nature- Michael Jackson
11. EVERYTHING Mariah Carey :)
12. Chasing Pavements- Adele
13. Scared of Lonely- Beyonce
14. EVERYTHING Chris Brown
15. Come Close- Common ft. Mary J.
.......WAYYYY to many to name!
[just felt like typing & these are 15 of my FAVs :) ]
--xoxo Tash!
My THoughts @ 10:51 pm...
SOOOO much..SO much on my mind. Why do I continue to let my heart over rule my mind?..Why is this so complex?...I definitely have 3 assignments to do for school. I HATE waiting!! DON'T make me wait....Wait! Why am I waiting? This 'industry' stuff gets annoying. The MOST important thing to me is TIME. I wonder WHY I feel like its at a standstill?... My internship interview was GREATT, I'm excited! Being a Gemini SUCKS sometimes, wayyy to Emotional at times. I wish I could give my mom the WORLD, she deserves it. I really Envy cute couples...You Guys SUCK! :-/ I wanna moveeee, Again. I always get what I want, DON'T bullshit me and DON'T tell me NO...EVER. I wanna make a Bucket List and complete it before i'm 25 :) Every text from Carmen makes me smile :) silly girl. I wish I could be a kid again--I miss you though! This Teen Mom show gets intense [Catelynn and her mom]..To see other people's situation makes me rethink the things I complain about, truly blessed! I MISS CLEMSON :( I always wanted to know how it feels to be a Daddys Girl, it looks so Cute..Oh Well, that'll never happen. Why do people tell lies in hopes of making things better? Truth is way easier. I mean IDK--I still wanna move to Miami, Canada, and LA. Maybe a spot in all 3 places :) ....nevertheless, I feel like I'm wasting my timeee...ugh I just wanna scream -_-
--xoxo tash!
...I KNOW I CAN, Be what I wanna Be :)
....Ok OK, So those of you who KNOW me KNOW me...KNOW that I want to work in PR--start MY Own Styling Company, maybe Open up a Boutique, Start a Charity, & work on the Hospitality side of things....
--After Bad Girls Club, the new show 'House of Glam' comes on [Tuesdays at 10pm] and I'm in LOVE with it... It's EXACTLY what I want to be doing with my Life in about 2 years [fingers crossed]...Brandi, [on the show] is the OWNER of the B.Lynn Group, a Styling/PR firm and she's BLACK, which is EVEN more inspiring. Television ALWAYS showed the PR Firms being ALL white, like on The Hills & The City....This show gives me EVEN more motivation to GET THERE! All of the people in the B.Lynn Group are successful, well known, BLACK stylist. *sigh* I just CAN'T wait to graduate and start my career.
--xoxo Tash!
Willow & Jaden..

-- xoxo Tash!
..Closer to MY dreams!
Ok, so I have a NEW internship with The Frank Ski Foundation. SUPER EXCITING :) therefore, I should be sleeping-- WISH ME LUCK!!
--xoxo Tash!
..alittle something to SLEEP on...
....HAVE YOU EVER....? :
-- Knew the possible outcome of a situation BEFORE it happened, yet you did it anyway?
-- Been?
-- Wanted the Best of something[or someone] but you weren't at YOUR best?
-- Wanted the world, on a silver platter?
-- Felt like you could be doing SO much more?
-- Felt like You Couldn't let go?
-- Felt Dependent?
-- broken the rules JUST because you wanted a consequence?
-- Totally forgiven them?
-- forgotten?
-- Loved it?
-- Loved, in general?
-- Lived it?
-- Seen Potential in something when it never saw potential in itself?
-- Noticed?
-- Reflected on how it SHOULD be?
-- recognized how BAD it really is?
-- had your thoughts move at 10000000 miles per hour?[mine does]
-- wished for it?
-- Seen it come true?
-- reached your breaking point?
-- Needed help but REFUSED to ask for it? [i do it ALL the time]
-- been BEHIND on time, as the years go by?
.....IDK, RANDOM thoughts...
--xoxo tash!
.& if you DON'T have friends like MINE..
Lately, I've been thinking about My 'friends' and the company I keep....and I've noticed that each group of friends I have all reflect me in
different ways. Each of them help me define myself & my crazy personality in various ways--I have a group that has BEEN through EVERYthing with me, the group to KEEP me focused on My Goals, the group to LAUGH with [they keep me Young], the group that'll NEVER leave me Lonely [Lol], the group thats ALWAYS going to keep it REAL with me, the group that taught me to be diverse, the group that lives in New Orleans, the group that I once couldn't stand But turned out to be THEE BEST friends EVER, My group of guys for the male perspective....etc etc.
I LOVE the fact that I have these people to talk to...I have a group of friends to help me with EVERY situation I've been in--To know that people see the BEST in you when your at your WORST is the GREATEST feeling in the WORLD! & TO YOU GUYS & GIRLS covered in OPI, I THANK YOU, from the BOTTOM of my Heart! :)

-- xoxo Tash!
...& the SAGA continues...

YES...its been 7 MONTHS since my last post and I have NO Excuse as to why that's so...SORRY!! :)
--umm its kind of hard to think about what has happened since March but I think I'm going to TRY to remember most things:: Here it goes--
*April-May: I finished up my LAST semester at Clemson University. Move out day was kind of heartbreaking....I felt like I was leaving the wonderful people I had met...BUT I just figured if our friendship was valuable, we'd keep in touch no matter WHERE I am. SADLY, I loss one of the GREATEST friends I ever had--MARK WHITE! [[May, 19th-I love you babyboy]]---& I can't forget about holding the 'FORT' down with Pavi, Sen, & Yana--the lunch dates & random talks...EVEN while gum was being stuck to the walls..[Lol]
*June: MY 20th BIRTHDAY!! Whoop-Whoop...Very VERY exciting :) its weird I'm acting like I went to Rome or something...[Lol], I didn't :-/ I had a very nice dinner with about 10-15 of my close friends, then went to 'club' at Luckie Lounge....P.F Changs for My Dueces' birthday...Gemini Ladies :) OHH how could I forget--I got my first bikini wax...ONE WORD: INTERESTING [Lol]. It wasnt as painful as I thought It'd be but ALOT of stinging to say the least. I went on a mini vacation to Myrtle Beach for the Allstar Baseball game--ALOT of fun and memories.!! :) ohhh & I can't forget the infamous Broke & Boujee Fight...hahaha! SO childish -_-
*July: I didn't do much in July but hang at kickbacks, sleep, and Shop. WHOA! one day in July I won't forget--the morning Me,Carmz, Nat, Katie, Marcus, JB [& friends], Karla, & Jara [might've left some ppl out..sorry!]--That morning i got THEE most UNexpected text message...that caused Me to Renew a a "friend-lationship" that had once been 'left alone'...Nevertheless, White Water was a blasttt & so was the RANDOM night we snuck in EVERYones apartment pools..SMH, funny!! Good Times...
*August: ahhhhhh I started school on my Mommy's birthday, LAME! :-/ I was completelyyyy LOST at Georgia State & I STILL am. My first day was cool though, I like it. Taking 5 classes--Not to much pressure. Still finding a way to stay focused. Whew, So many August Birthdays: Mfon, Sonique, Jay, Chaz, Mario, Mommy, Terrell--ALOT!
*September: Brianna FINALLY turned 20!!! Whoop-Whoop! :) [Lol]--Sendys Birthdayy-Falencia's birthday-Grandmas Birthday-Jamila birthday...for me tho, this month was blahh, I didn't do much...Same people, Same kickbacks, Same outings...STILL in school :-/
*October: I DELETED my Twitter account, Sad? I know...WAKA came out with his First CD..WHoop-Whoop!! Thats Exciting...I don't know how it did, BUT either way....Going from 'nothing' to 'something' is an Understatement at this point... Its Cool to see that.... ANYWHOO: ITS GETTING COLDDD :( ugh, I don't Like Fall OR Winter...BUT, I'll deal with it.. NOW your up to speed [for the MOST part] :) ...
--xoxo tash!
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