hmmmmmm....As i sit here watching Intervention ALOT is filling up my brain :-/ which is NOTTTTTT kool....Its so much that I have, want, and NEED to do....ugghh! I definitely have a midterm for journalism in the morning and haven't studied SSSHHHIITTT smh, I have to finish my interviewing story to turn in tomorrow....SPRINGBREAK plans for MIAMI....school plans--still waiting on my grade change so I can send in my transcripts to GaState and SCAD. I wonder what YOU think about on a daily basis?!! where am I gonna be in 2 years, hell 2 months!.....JOSEPH! If i were to put some of my family members on Intervention how would they react? Is FORGIVENESS really all they say it's cracked up to be?? Apartment hunting in ATL again..but this time 3 bedrooms instead of 2! Why the hell is everyone having babies now? they're cute and all but ummm, I just don't get it! Why is it that females have the tendency to be TORN in between two guys? hmmm I wonder if you THINK about me like I think about YOU?...TWITTER is DEF the new facebook! I really HATE seeing cute couples--Like I really do LOL, idk y tho!! i LOVE love tho...Nevertheless-I want a NEW CAR, I miss ATL and I just got back from there this morning--MY FUTURE? I STILL don't know what I wanna be when I grow up...uuugghhh maybe i should start studying, or NOT? plain and simple DECISIONS DECISIONS :o( WHYY??!!!
--xoxo Tash!
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