aaaaaaaaaahhhhhhh my Sign Language Midterm is TOMORROW and I have YET to study..smh, TERRIBLE! my Women Studies midterm is Thursday and i have YET to read the book thats its on..Why am i such a procrastinator?? :o/ i'll never know! Damn, im kinda feeling some type of way about the way i used to feel..[if that makes ANY sense]...South Park has GOT to be the most vulgar/disrespectful cartoon EVER made...hands down, LOL! I wanna participate in Lent but don't know what to give up. I think I wanna give up EVERY food that I have in my cabinets--I wanna eat ORGANICALLY for 40 days..buttt idk how thats gonna work!
I wonder what my mommy's doing? haven't talked to her ALL DAY...not normal! I wonder what YOUR doing? What do readers think about when they read my blogs.....this new Nivea song is DEF on the soundtrack entitled "MY LIFE", i kno EXACTLY how she feels...LOVE does suck sometimes. why do guys protect their feelings?? is it a sign of weakness? I think Im kinda sleepy--I MISS YOU!! umm idk, just rambling. Night Dolls!
--xoxo Tash!
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