[sigh..] idk if i'm sleepy or not!!?? MTV Hits [chan. 163 for Comcast users] is really jammin' rite now...so much to do this up coming week..ahhhhhhhhhh!! LOL, in a good way tho--more time with the Bestie :-) b4 she goes back off to LSU :-( !!! I had a GOOD day--it started at approx. 3am with the BEST sleepover ever!! hahahaa!! I DEF love Reece, Keem,& DeDe...what a trip!! Packed like mexicans in this full size!! LOL, Mannnnnn Perimeter was kinda of a success--got some cute stuff--my night was eventful--went to my "juvie's" party!! it was kool--HOT but kool..I kind of get irritated with heat && my hair DOES NOT agree with it either...I wish I had an ice-cream sandwich, it's been on my mind lately!! OMGGG i want a Jamaican chicken patty..ahhhhhhh i GOTTA get one tomorro!! Dang, not ready for that ride to Birmingham tomorrow butttt i wont leave my mom hangin'...I can't wait until I go back to school--I can't wait until I graduate from school, i need to start my CAREER..ASAP!! hmmmmm idk--i want to watch Sex & the City // EVERY season..lol, LOVE THAT SHOW!! wait!!, i saw the ORIGINAL Willie Wonka today--that was my FAV movie..I wonder who's going to be next to call me?? I wonder why no one has :-( ?? ahhhh i feel LAME!!..LOL, idk--haha...LATERRR!!
--xoxo Tash!
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