So here's to 'YOU'...
Dear "YOU",
Not that we pick on you often or analyze you on purpose.
We are just here to HELP!
YOU can't understand the meaning of LOVE and LIFE
if you don't understand the meaning of LOVING YOURSELF.
YOU can't see that your downplaying and undermining your wealth?
I guess it's because his size & performance is blinding & dangerous to your health.
I'm NOT sure if it's a warning sign but i DO know that it's saying your rep is dying!
I Love 'YOU' girlie but don't think you can change..
Caught between LUST and what's RIGHT!..
you haven't figured it out yet--Only time will tell...
But as much as you continue to give the more THEY'LL take..
I guess you were like Drake before the mixtape came along...
I'm just gonna say I MISS YOU 'cause your "SO FAR GONE"
--Author = Tash!
STORY OF YOU(r) LIFE:: [watch below..]
If you aren't a fan--YOU SHOULD BE!!..
I know plenty females who can attest to this song::
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