ok...so earlier I paid respect to my dudes...DEM GET A WAY BOYZ..&& posted a couple of their songs on here--but nowwwwwww they have a REMIX to IMMA G feat. Mr.Fansworth Bentley && Shawty Lo..can we say BIG THANGS!!???--they doin it EXTRA big && as of now tis is the NEW THEME SONG FOR THE NEXT SEASON of From G's To Gents...now THATS WASSUP!!..
im soooo proud of u guys....
--xoxo Tash!
Monday, April 20, 2009
Wednesday, April 8, 2009
Sometimes you GOTTA ASK these things..
" it be like that sometimes..."
Sometimes you GOTTA ASK these things..
" it be like that sometimes..."
&& it's the story of 'HER' LIFE...
So here's to 'YOU'...
Dear "YOU",
Not that we pick on you often or analyze you on purpose.
We are just here to HELP!
YOU can't understand the meaning of LOVE and LIFE
if you don't understand the meaning of LOVING YOURSELF.
YOU can't see that your downplaying and undermining your wealth?
I guess it's because his size & performance is blinding & dangerous to your health.
I'm NOT sure if it's a warning sign but i DO know that it's saying your rep is dying!
I Love 'YOU' girlie but don't think you can change..
Caught between LUST and what's RIGHT!..
you haven't figured it out yet--Only time will tell...
But as much as you continue to give the more THEY'LL take..
I guess you were like Drake before the mixtape came along...
I'm just gonna say I MISS YOU 'cause your "SO FAR GONE"
--Author = Tash!
STORY OF YOU(r) LIFE:: [watch below..]
If you aren't a fan--YOU SHOULD BE!!..
I know plenty females who can attest to this song::
Dear "YOU",
Not that we pick on you often or analyze you on purpose.
We are just here to HELP!
YOU can't understand the meaning of LOVE and LIFE
if you don't understand the meaning of LOVING YOURSELF.
YOU can't see that your downplaying and undermining your wealth?
I guess it's because his size & performance is blinding & dangerous to your health.
I'm NOT sure if it's a warning sign but i DO know that it's saying your rep is dying!
I Love 'YOU' girlie but don't think you can change..
Caught between LUST and what's RIGHT!..
you haven't figured it out yet--Only time will tell...
But as much as you continue to give the more THEY'LL take..
I guess you were like Drake before the mixtape came along...
I'm just gonna say I MISS YOU 'cause your "SO FAR GONE"
--Author = Tash!
STORY OF YOU(r) LIFE:: [watch below..]
If you aren't a fan--YOU SHOULD BE!!..
I know plenty females who can attest to this song::
awwww MAN!..here we go with this again..This is why I HATE going on Facebook--i like to just get on, check my messgaes/ notifications, and GET OFF!!.. But for some reason i DIDN'T just do that this time. tthis time i started to go through pictures and stuff and just began to tear up.. DANG MAN!!--uugghhh..((&& here it comes again!))--It just pains me to see memories and all the fun that I had with my friends from home..its not just that but we're ALL seperated now...when you need someone to have your back & you turn around to see who's there its a BLANK CANVAS because we're all in differnet places...I wouldn't say i'm homesick but i'd say that i DEF miss the 'OLD DAYS'...I miss the way we laughed about Middle school--the pool party we MADE at Paul's Bouldercrest Rd. house--our Senior Water fight--the DRAMA over boys in middle school--the way we formed frinedships that'll last FOREVER!!..I just miss how I could call my mom and ask for something and she'd have it o me in .5 seconds--now i gotta drive a hour and 30 minutes to get stuff... I miss how things in my LIFE used to be:: -Relationships..-Family..-HOPE!...I hate to see people who are HOPELESS but sometimes certain situations make u feel this way...it's wierd that we search around to find thing s to BELIEVE IN all the while looking above and beyond the ability to believe in OURSELVES!!..I guess every now and then I feel the need to vent because of the fact that I am away from the people that know me the best---i guess that's just what life does to you. I MISS YOU GUYS, MOM, ATLANTA, and the ones that HURT ME!!..it's all helping me GROW! :-/
--xoxo Tash!
Monday, April 6, 2009
ahhhhhh MONDAY!!...

it's soooo WEIRD how time flies...MAN!--it feels like just LAST WEEK I was graduating from High School now I only have TWO MORE WEEKS IN COLLEGE!!.. WOWWWWW!!--I'd have to say that I am REALLY proud of myself--a year of College under my belt--some ppl ESPECIALLY females usually don't make it this far:: you know they usually get pegnant and have to leave. If it wasn't for my family though i would've given up..buttttt I DIDNT..LOL--&& I'M NOT leaving Clemson...I decided that your school is what you make of it--it doesn't make YOU!..I LOVE CLEMSON..the ONLY reason I thought about leaving was for other ppl, mainly my friends, & being around hat I'm used to. Now I know that CHANGE is a state of well being, peace, mind frame--NOT JUST AN UNCOMFORTABLE thing..I needed change..it caused me to grow and depend on MYSELF--for once! I enjoy it..& MY WONDERFUL GROUP OF FRIENDS i met here...I wouldn't trade them for the WORLD!!..guess i'll get ready for class now..Be back soon!! :-)
--xoxo Tash!
Wednesday, April 1, 2009

My girl----ERYKAH BADU has started producing art [acctually painted by artist STEVEN LOPEZ] These pictures are sooooooo NICEE!!..
[they consitst of Minnie Riperton, Aretha Frnaklin, India.Arie, & others...]

Erykah Badu and Artist Steven Lopez collaborate for social change from Steven Lopez on Vimeo.
--xoxo Tash!
"&& it ALL comes CRASHING DOWN.."
DANG!! AND HERE'S ANOTHER ONE...THE INFAMOUS MALE MAGAZINE:: KING, HAS OFFICIAL ANNOUNCE THAT IT'S LAST ISSUE WILL HIT THE SHELVES= APRIL 21ST...OMG!! I guess that along with Blender the RECESSION has REALLY gotten to the BEST OF US>>> this REALLYYYYY sucks...i'm one of those people who live there lives through magazines...IDK where i'd be if they ALL go EXTINCT!! [smh] TEARSSS!!!

--xoxo Tash!

--xoxo Tash!
..."Have I told you I loved you...LATELY!!..Have I told you you STILL mean the WORLD to me...":: Lately--I've noticed that being in school and away from my normal church environment it's hard for me to think about and get through certain things...I feel like this semester I've been slacking on the faith...jesus..& GOD parts that I would usually have..I'm starting to get stressed, angry, happy, lazy, depressed, happy again, content, hyper, sleepy, etc.. && I don't know how to handle sooo many emotions at once..every other day I feel a different way & on the days I feel upset or unhappy..i call my mom or aunt and they tell me to PRAY:: but what is praying??..[rhetorically speaking.]--I have a HUGEEE issue with PRAYING and calling on God because I don't do it everyday..It just seems like everytime a person is going through it or start to hit rock bottom they decide to turn to God for guidance && I don't agree nor understand that..I know deep in my heart that I want to pray and I'm sure he knows it too..but i just can't do it, especially knowing that I don't thank him for the time my life is going as I want it to. when I get into my "I just want to go home", depressed mode && all I'm hearing is just pray about God will see you through--I know he will--but when things don't happen as fast as we want them to we began to question the ONE person that we look to in these times of need...GOD!!..WHY IS THAT?? i know that I want him to help me and see me through certain situations but when I'm in these situations all I can think about is that old saying the elders tell us.."God puts/ brings you into certain situations because he knows you can handle them" or that one when they say, "If he brings you to it--he'll bring you through it."-- so i just tend to ride them out until I can't handle it anymore..when i go back home I go to church & to go see my "Dad"..but there are some Sundays I miss...That leads me to another thing--just because you don't go to church EVERY Sunday doesn't mean you don't seek believe/ seek the lord...YES!! we're ALL sinners but he forgives you for those things in order for us to understand that EVERYONE makes mistakes and it isn't our place to punish nor judge them--but IDK---i just know that I've been going through it and after calling on all the humans I trust and they can't really HELP me because they haven't been in this situation...My only other option is GOD!!..Is it okay for me to pray in this time of need even if I don't do it EVERYDAY??...HE DOES STILL KNOW MY STRUGGLES IF I DON'T PRAY...RIGHT??--IF I HAVE A PERSON WHO DOES PRAY EVERYDAY TO PRAY FOR ME WILL IT COME QUICKER?? maybe it'll all come to me...SOONER than LATER i'd hope!!..im just saying that...LATELY---I'VE BEEN NEEDING HIM...BAD!! :-/
--xoxo Tash!
WATCH WATCH WATCH:::....THIS IS "BRAND NEW"...Trey Songz new song...&& the video is EDITED by NONE OTHER THAN Mr. LEEVON DANIELS...Miller Grove's own!!...DAMNNNN i'm soooo PROUD of the SUCCESSFUL ppl Miller Grove High School is producing...ANYWHOO:: watch it && ENJOYYYY..[p.s. the song is kinda FLyy..i like it..] do u??
Trey Songz - Brand New
--xoxo Tash!
Trey Songz - Brand New
--xoxo Tash!
My thoughts at 8:51am.

Danggg!!...i've been slacking on my blog---but ANYWHOO:: i wonder--why I'm not up & out cuz i soooo have class at 9:05am..when is this stress going to go away??---why I tend to second guess my actions/decisions/words...I miss Xmas break--actually i miss everything BEFORE Feb.27th :-( I'm HAPPY Morgann is stayingggg...[at least for nxt semester]...I THINK i'm ready for Football season to start..Why WEDNESDAYS are soooo LONG--AND such a dragggg for me..uugghh..I soooo miss ATL..S.Carolina is KILLN me with this rain!!..idk, i REALLYYYY need to get my life together!!
--xoxo Tash!
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