...orrrr maybe I should say
REFURBISHED...HONESTLY!! My Fav 1 out of the group...
DAWN RICHARD--is DEF going single..I mean I knew that but I didnt want to believe it..lol--I LOVED danity Kane [notthe name so much] but them as whole, like songs...Dawn had to have been one if not the ONLY level headed one in the group..[i think its because shes from where?? ohh yea--
NEW ORLEANSS..lol] but really I think that she deserves wayyyyy more credit & success than she was getting..I mean talent is talent && she has jus that--
TALENT!!...I think that in order to become really successful you have to let go of the things that were holding you back--she understood that && did it.. It kinda sucks that her and Que broke up [i admired them..whomp whomp] "It be like that sometimes" but I think it was the best thing for her to do.. I really support her and her efforts..If she realeses an album....I'd Buy it..Would you??
--xoxo Tash!
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